Constructions M. Melatti

“Once upon a time, in 1963, there was a small ceramic tile laying business that was proud and ambitious. So proud and ambitious, in fact, that in 1967-68, it became a builder of housing units, duplexes, and two-storey houses…”

And that’s not all! Gino Melatti senior wasn’t going to settle with so little. And that’s how in 1980 he founded the Constructions G. Melatti company and started building large-scale projects of 100 to 200 housing units. Small towns within big cities!

The city of LaSalle’s Newman Boulevard is a prime example. Gino Melatti junior enthusiastically relates: “That’s something rather particular, because my dad is one of the builders that managed to develop that artery and got his hands on the development of other neighboring streets. His efforts were nicely recognized, since there is now a Melatti street and a G. Melatti parc in the projects he built. We are really grateful to the city of LaSalle for this honor; it’s such a pleasure!”

For about ten years, along with his partner, Gino Melatti senior has developed small towns within a large city. Shevchenko, Lapierre, and Dollard streets, for example, are Melatti achievements.

The Dream Continues


Constructions M. Melatti, Lasalle


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