Entreprises Clermont Vallée (PEEQ)

Les entreprises Clermont Vallée P.E.Q Inc. is a family business in residential and commercial construction since 1996. Specialized in the PREVENTION AND ENERGY SAVINGS OF QUEBEC (PEEQ) in energy efficiency and in quality of the ambient air. We offer quality insulation, sealing and ventilation for your building, in order to maximize the energy efficiency of your construction.

Peeq Construction Inc.'s objective is to listen to your needs, to work in partnership with you and to offer you a professional service as well as judicious advice on the many choices available to you.

We offer you a professional, courteous and human service!

The company is accredited Novoclimat 2.0

Visit our website now to learn more about us.


Entreprises Clermont Vallée (PEEQ), Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval


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